Tuesday 7 February 2012

Doodles From Abroad

When we were searching for inspiration for 'the Wolf and i'    logo last year we happily stumbled across the very talented          AMY BLACKWELL's doodles!
We just love all of Amy's illustrations and were very chuffed  when she doodled a design just for us!

..and 'the wolf was born' LOVE LOVE LOVE!

"My name’s Amy and I class myself as a ‘doodler’. I’m currently based in Nottingham where I live, work and play. I came here for university purposes but never got round to leaving. I spend a lot of my time colouring things in and printing. My favourite colour at the moment is lime green. I like sewing but I’m a lazy sewer so I get worse as I go along (that’s why the cotton doodles are so small). I love to read. I’m hopeless at crosswords. I like the circus, autumn and halloween (just the sweets and the pumpkins). BIG fan of conkers. I once made a pair of shoes and a violin out of cardboard. I’m allergic to horror movies. I could go on and on and on but I won’t :)"

Looking For Trouble
 Where we Live
 Sail Away With Me
The Suspicious Cat
Jump online and buy a doodle! www.amyblackwell.com.au 
A wonderful collection of gift cards, prints, bags and Amy's latest 'hand knitted mittens and ponchos!'

Signing off, the Wolf xx